Dance Your Roots


"Movement & Dance are a tool for deconstruction and observation.

The body is an archive.

The practice aims to create a space where introspection and symbolism are explored. 

Listening to your body and what it says is an important tool for navigating our world.


It can be a good counsellor to explore one's boundaries, our personal grounding mode, fluidity and resistance, communication and inner narrative."

DYR (Dance Your Roots) Movement is an experimental approach that uses the Art of Movement as a tool for rediscovering the body as a messenger of intuition. 

The concept of otherness, the perception of oneself and the sense of inner grounding are among its main elements. 


(Afri* & Caribbean Diaspora)  and their symbolism in relation to the concept of individuality “in nowadays society” can become a key to the social and psychological consequences that we see now in contemporary society.  Diverse solutions to a psychological approach to the body and group dynamics, for example, can be found in deepening the concepts of intersectional identity, rituality, and cultural and ecological heritage. (ancestrality).

The social function of dance and the education towards awareness, in a Westernized context, would mean the first recognition that there is no separation between our experience and that which is history and the socio-political changes around us. Through its theatrical, narrative, community, symbolic and archetypal function, dance is an active but forgotten tool for individual and collective transformation. For example, its usefulness in reconstructing one's ability for constructive discrimination, the deconstruction of one's experiences, and the experience or discovery of one's intersectional identity and intentionality.

The practice focuses on combining physical and theoretical research to reconfigure narratives, question our mindsets, and guide new social responses.